发布日期:2024-05-15 10:23:49

西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院目前正在接受多个体育训练职位的申请. WVWC正在寻求填补首席运动教练和最多2名助理运动教练的职位.  WVWC赞助了21个NCAA体育项目和一个竞技舞蹈队.  一名与足球运动有关的运动教练将在一个可用的职位上工作.

所有职位均为全职,任职期为11个月(首席技术主任)或10个月(助理技术主任).  Candidates should demonstrate a solid foundation of athletic training skills; excellent communication, organizational and leadership skills; and possess a strong commitment to quality healthcare delivery to student-athletes.  WVWC为学生提供体育训练课程,并对学生进行体育训练监督, 作为ATP的感受器, 协助适当的CAATE和NCAA报告文件可能是职位职责的一部分.

根据WVWC,总教练负责指导和操作整个运动训练计划的各个阶段, 东部山区会议, 和NCAA DII规定.  职位职责包括, 但不限于:提供AT覆盖的特定体育任务, 包括 travel as necessary; coordinate a total athletic training program for WVWC student-athletes that includes but is not limited to developing emergency and injury reporting protocols for each team, and how to best provide daily athletic training services for all WVWC athletic teams; coordinate WVWC athletic team practice and game medical coverage, 包括 appropriate administrative work; work with the Athletic Department Administration and staff within the best interest of the student-athlete; and supervise AT staff.

助理运动教练职位负责, 但不限于:为运动员提供优质的运动训练服务, 包括, 但不限于, 预防, 评价, 评估, 康复, 调节, 推荐, 和文档, 包括 travel as necessary; and assisting the in daily operations of the athletic training facility.

所需资质:中行认证, WV AT牌照(或合资格), 自动化或相关专业本科以上学历, 1-2年运动教练经验




Rae Emrick